Interior Home Painting & Woodwork Refinishing: Best Cambridge Decorators

Oh, dear readers, let me regale you with the hilarious and slightly exasperating tale of my character property in our fair city of Cambridge, England. It’s a house where straight lines are but a myth, and right angles seem to have taken an extended vacation. As a proud owner of this wonky wonderland, I embarked on a quest to find a decorator who could embrace the quirks of my home and still make it look absolutely fabulous.

Enter our tale’s hero: Wall to Wall Decorators , my knight in paint-splattered armour, here to transform my chaotic canvas of a home into a modern masterpiece!

Exit (pursued by a bear) me and my moth-eaten paint roller.

I must confess, dear readers, that finding a decorator who could tackle my home’s unique challenges felt like searching for a unicorn in a haystack. But, thankfully, Wall to Wall Decoration fearlessly accepted the challenge, armed with their trusty brushes and an unyielding sense of humour.

Check out their work for yourself at

Despite only launching this year, these decorators, newly forged in the wilds of Cambridgeshire, are already building a reputation for their precise and meticulous work.

Rare to find a company who really can do it all! Their comprehensive range of services includes interior and exterior painting, wallpaper installation, plastering, and woodwork refinishing. With an unwavering dedication to professionalism and reliability, these brave decorating heroes ensure that every task is executed to the highest standards. Their attention to even the smallest details sets them apart as trusted decorators in the industry – and makes them the only people I can trust with my wonky wonderland!

You see, Wall to Wall Decoration understands that my house is a testament to the architectural laws of whimsy. While other decorators might shudder at the sight of crooked corners, these intrepid professionals wholeheartedly embrace the wonkiness. With their wealth of experience, they have mastered the art of making the irregular look effortlessly chic.

And so, my dear readers, when the day finally arrived when Wall to Wall Decoration bid adieu to my wonky abode, I was beyond impressed. With a final stroke of their brushes, they revealed a space that, against all odds, had transformed into a haven of charm and character. My wonky wonderland now stood proudly, like a majestic unicorn grazing amidst a sea of mundane ponies (sorry neighbours! Not you, Frank. You know what you did).

Dear readers, if you are on a quest for a decorator that will embrace the soul of your abnormal abode, Wall to Wall Decoration is the trusty companion you need. Book your free consultation with them by calling 07800 979718 or visiting

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